Duane’s Vibrant Health 30 Day Challenge – You Be The Judge!
This represents things you should research, google, youtube and understand. Start slow, customize, replace bad habits with good ones and even small things can result in big improvements.
Learn how to support your digestive, respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal, nervous, energetic, endocrine, lymphatic and immune systems. Open the cleansing channels – P.U.R.D. your system! Healthy Cells = Healthy Body! Address cellular toxicity, acidity/alkalinity, colon health, nutrition, glucose, inflammation, hormones and oxygen to renew cellular health, restore wellness, increase strength, maximize energy, reduce subcutaneous and visceral body fat.
Take responsibility for your health & always do your own research. Consult your physician and natural doctor.
- Detox!
- do deep diaphragmatic breaths several times a day using “4 in / 16 hold / 8 out” count; nature walks; buy water filter for shower head or entire home; use mineral salt deodorant, natural soap, shampoo, toothpaste, cream, make-up, hair dye; natural home cleaning products; remove dental amalgams by a dentist qualified to do so; avoid or eliminate root canals
- Physical Conditioning!
- 2-3 times/week: Burst or HIIT workouts; skipping/weights alternating circuit; have sex; core training; stretching; rebounding/bouncing; walking; crossfit circuits; barefoot grounding
- Eat to Live don’t Live to Eat!
- juiced, raw or low heat cooked fresh (organic) vegetables and cruciferous vegetables and fruits; filtered Gratitude Water; (organic) limited amounts of gluten free or whole cereals, whole grain bread, brown rice, potatoes, steel cut oats and pasta
- spices & herbs, beans, legumes, nuts, sprouts, dark green/colourful vegetables, seeds, grains; once per week wild seafood & fish (vary sources), locally raised grass fed organic meat & free run chicken; a salad with every meal using lemon juice instead of vinegar; fermented vegetables
- only olive oil, flax & fish oils; cook with or coconut oil
- eat/graze through the day; 500ml of water or sparkling mineral water/50 lbs of your body weight with chlorophyll or fresh lemon added; enjoy your food; chew well; eat slowly until full; drink a glass of cold water 10 minutes before every meal; limit drinking fluids while eating; 70% of foods should be water based; drink green or black tea daily with fresh lemon quarters
- A Peaceful Mind!
- do what brings you joy; avoid negative people / media; do random kindness
- morning ½ hour of quiet; reflect on gratitudes and goals; plan your day; meditate or pray in peaceful quiet; say grace before meals; glass of sparkling mineral water before bed with quarter teaspoon of baking soda; read motivational/inspirational/educational books before bed
- Support Yourself!
- daily nap; in bed by 10pm sleep in total darkness with a sleep mask and ear plugs; moderate daily sun; massage; yoga; see an Osteopath; infrared sauna & annual gravity colon hydrotherapy; fast one or two days a week; laugh daily…all day!
- Dead Foods!
- reduce/eliminate all dead food and food-like items in cans, boxes, bags, fried, bbq’d, all gmo’s (soy & corn), frozen, factory foods, MSG’s, additives, sweeteners, labels you can’t easily understand; soda pop; commercial juices; avoid fructose and sugar which your body considers toxic and deals with them as such, ask: “would my great grandmother recognize my food?”
- never eat fruit right after meals only before and avoid food 2-3 hours before bed
- Processed Fats!
- reduce/eliminate unnatural fats; canola and trans fats; ask “will this cleanse me or clog me?”
- Land Animal Flesh!
- reduce/eliminate commercial red meat (prions, nitrates, fear adrenaline, feces, urine, hormones, antibiotics, environmentally terrible, acidic) & chicken, ask: “where do cows get their protein from?”
- Dairy Products!
- reduce/eliminate all forms of dairy (MAP bacteria, mucous, hormones, antibiotics, difficult protein, acidic), ask: “where do cows get their calcium from?”
- Balance PH!
- reduce/eliminate addicting acid poisons of sugar, salt, vinegar, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine (exception of green and black tea); drugs; vaccines; cell phone usage – keep a safe distance from body; avoid electronics and wi-fi
Health Forming Daily Habits
- drink a glass of hot filtered water with fresh squeezed lemon immediately upon waking
- have a cup of matcha green tea or black coffee
- Power Smoothie – put in a small blender…grind and mix in water or coconut milk 6 raw apricot seeds, one tspn coconut oil, one tbspn of flax seeds, three tblspns of kefir, 1 whole raw free run organic egg, handful of berries, banana, two tblspn of New Zealand whey powder, full tblspn spirulina, full tspn chlorella, ½ tspn bee pollen, tblspn chia seeds, 2 tblspn raw unpasteurized honey, dropper of fulvic minerals, 30 oxy-e drops, dropper of liquid zeolite, tblspn of Udo’s oil, one drop of oregano oil, 1/2 tspn of turmeric, tspn of maca root powder, a pinch of ground black peppercorns and 1 tspn of pure cinnamon.
- daily supplements: probiotic, liquid vitamin D3, fibresmart, liver milk thistle, resveratrol, krill oil, digestive enzyme, msm, vitamin K2, ubiquinol, saw palmetto (men), bromelain, kyolic garlic
- Eat 2 prunes, 2 figs, 6 almonds, 2 walnuts, 2 tblspns of sunflower and pumpkin seeds
- 10 minutes bouncing on a rebounder; 10 minutes of oral oil pulling/sloshing using organic sunflower oil; body horse hair brush all limbs and torso towards the heart
- Review your goals and gratitudes, sip green tea and water with fresh lemon thru the day
- Snack on fresh vegetables or fruit, eat with nutrition in mind and exercise for 10-60 min
- 10 minute mid-day ‘nap’, remember to breathe deep, avoid negativity and laugh
- A probiotic & bromelain before bed with occasional chamomile tea & 0.2mg of melatonin
- Sleep with a sleep mask and ear plugs – total darkness and total silence