Powerful Natural Cancer Protocols

Cancer and many degenerative diseases seem to be all around us.  Very few of us have been fortunate enough to be untouched by them in some way.  Below are some suggestions and starting points for your own research or usage based simply on my own research and experience.  I have posted this here as I hope to help those who are confronted with Cancer to save precious time and energy and begin doing whatever they can to prolong life and increase the quality of life.   In most cases using conventional medicine combined with natural, homeopathic and allopathic approaches seems wise.

Please do your own research regarding these suggestions.  I have posted this and the various websites below for convenience, and I have personally been part of some nearly miraculous results from these protocols.  I stand to make no personal gains whatsoever through this, other than knowing I have helped another person with their struggles. 

It seems the causes of most modern disease and cancer are due to a few simple factors, and the goals of this protocol are to reverse them.  We must optimize cellular oxygen and nutrition, eliminate cellular toxins and acidity, reduce inflammation and support the immune system.

Many represent lifestyle changes that I have personally made and continue and have gained substantial improvements in my own vitality and wellness as  a direct result.  I know the below will seem overwhelming, but once you do your research and start on this path, picking just one item to begin with and going from there, you will find they become habits that are easily done on a daily basis:

*Please get advice from your own circle of health professionals and visit a multi-certified pharmacist / herbalists / compounder to check all natural and pharmaceutical contraindications and prepare scrips (such as Andrew Polcz at Canada Apothecary in London Ont.)