Unstoppable Vibrancy

This an excerpt from Duane EN Marino’s book “Unstoppable Attitude”: UNSTOPPABLE VIBRANCY!

Reader, like everything else, there are factors within our control – and outside of it – and our health and vitality are no different. To focus on the things that we have some control over just makes sense. As a realist I recognize that with any luck, we seem to be programmed to expire around 80 years of age, plus or minus 5 years. My goal is to live a high quality and vital life and die a peaceful natural death in old age.

I travel a lot which makes nutritious meal planning very difficult. I am certainly not as disciplined as I should be—I enjoy McDonald’s occasionally and even partake in the occasional cigar, cigarette, and alcoholic drink. That said I do follow a very healthy lifestyle roadmap most of the time and I want to share it with you. Remember, being unstoppable starts with building your base— your health!

I believe the fundamental causes of ill health in our modern society are acidity, toxicity, sugars, deficiency, being sedentary and the frequency of calories we consume. When you are researching and applying the following suggestions, keep that in mind.

Today, we have a multitude of entirely new causes of toxicity; much of our food is nutritionally deficient, calories come in many forms and are within easy access all the time. I had mentioned earlier in my book to “follow the money” whenever you are trying to understand many of our modern problems (and make investments) and this is especially true when it comes to much of our food and “sick care” industries. So being part of any real change means to please remember to “vote with your dollar” and make
very conscious choices about what companies and products will get your votes when you are spending your money! Let’s force the marketplace into giving us bigger and better health choices by making the conglomerates that run the world follow our money!

Vibrant Health Challenge—You be the Judge!

The following information is by no means exhaustive. Use it as an introduction to research some of the things you should try to move away from and why, and those you should move toward. Read just a few minutes each day about health principles and practices from independent resource email newsletters and remember that anything worth having is worth studying.

I am not a doctor and I do believe front line health care workers do all that they can do to help people. But, somewhere up the corporate ladder profits and stake holder share values might be more important than health, to some institutions and individuals.

Do your own research on Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, YouTube and anywhere else you can get information (as mentioned earlier please know that every major search engine uses different algorithms to pull up or hide searches based on the biases and agendas of the money behind them, so vary your search engines). Be aware that there are many things changing in our environment, with legislation, food industry practices and even how search engines will suppress or “memory hole” inconvenient facts that may hurt certain industries, so be diligent and thorough in your research. Then begin replacing bad
habits with good ones. Even small things can result in big improvements, so START WITH ONE THING AND GO FROM THERE!

Don’t get caught up with thinking you need to do it all, all of the time. But great health does start with being aware of healthy choices. The information below is designed to act as a catalyst for your research—a menu of choices—not as a program to be followed in its entirety.

Learn how to support your digestive, respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal, nervous, energetic, endocrine, lymphatic, hormonal and immune systems. Simultaneously reduce the amount of toxins you take in and open your cleansing channels—P.U.R.D. your system: Perspirate, Urinate, Respirate and Defecate daily to reduce the toxic load on your organs and cells! Remember, Healthy Cells = Healthy Body!

Address cellular toxicity, acidity/alkalinity, insulin, colon health, nutrition, glucose, inflammation, hormones and oxygen to renew cellular health, restore wellness, increase strength and maximize your energy! Take responsibility for your health and always do your own research. Consult your physician and natural doctor. AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE. COPY THIS AND PLACE IT SOME PLACE THAT WILL FORCE YOU TO GLANCE AT IT THROUGH THE DAY!

“If you don’t take care of your health, where are you going to live and who is
going to spend all your money?”
Kobi Yamada

“The health of a community depends on the health of the people. The health of
your body depends on the health of your cells.”
Bruce Lipton

Did You Know?

Invented in the 1830’s there were dozens of manufacturers of 100+ mile per charge electric and hybrid “horseless carriages” with regenerative braking, in-home “charging stables” and public “Electrants” were popular and this $2k car would be about ~$75k today. As global oil money and power expanded, affordable gas cars grew, EV development and production shrank…

This is the 100 Mile Fritchle Electric Automobile

Did You Know?

Free natural cure-based plant medicines were replaced by expensive patented symptom-based petroleum medicines when Rockefeller Commissioned “The Flexner Report” in 1910 which recommended a “A pill for every ill”. Resistant natural doctors and teachers were shamed and jailed while hundreds of millions of dollars were donated by the oil industry to hospitals and universities that switched over to oil based allopathic big pharma medicine…

Rockefeller Commissioned “The Flexner Report” in 1910 which recommended a “A pill for every ill”

BLUE ZONE Habits Summary for Healthy Cells Life Styles


Do deep diaphragmatic breaths several times a day using box breathing (count of 4 in, 4 hold, 4 out and 4 hold, repeat) or a 16-hold in / 8-out count; take nature walks; buy a water filter for your shower head or entire home; put nothing on your skin you wouldn’t eat, use mineral salt deodorant, natural soap, shampoo, toothpaste, organic coconut oil for skin cream, natural make-up and hair dye; avoid touching thermal receipts such as those from cash registers and avoid plastic as it is an estrogen mimicker; avoid using a microwave oven; natural home cleaning products; remove mercury dental amalgams by a dentist
qualified to do so and replace with porcelain, gold or ceramic and avoid or eliminate root canals; commit to a “digital detox” for a few hours a day or one day a week—this means NO cell phone, computer, TV, iPad, radio, et cetera.

Physical Conditioning!
Two to three times per week minimum: Burst, weight training, Crossfit style or HIIT workouts; skipping; have sex frequently; core work; stretching; rebounding/bouncing; walking; barefoot grounding; yoga; break a sweat every day. Be intense enough that your breathing is taxed, you break a sweat and your muscles fatigue.

Eat to Live Don’t Live to Eat!
Juice fresh vegetables with a slow speed masticating juicer; raw or low heat-cooked fresh (organic) vegetables and cruciferous vegetables and fruits; drink filtered water; (organic) small amounts of gluten free or whole cereals, ancient grains bread, brown rice, potatoes, steel cut oats and Kamut pasta; spices and herbs, beans, legumes, nuts, sprouts, dark green/colorful vegetables, seeds, grains; once per week wild seafood and fish from varied sources (as of this writing eat seafood from the Atlantic Ocean—not the Pacific Ocean due to the ongoing radioactive disaster in Fukushima, Japan); locally raised grass-fed
organic meat and free run chicken; a salad with every meal using lemon juice or apple cider vinegar instead of normal vinegar with lots of healthy fats like pure olive oil; fermented vegetables and drinks; cook with avocado or coconut oil.

Upon waking have a glass of hot water with a pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt and baking soda (to flush your system and alkalize). Then enjoy a cup of fresh hot black coffee. Start your daily food intake with a handful of nuts and a tablespoon of coconut oil; drink enough water through the day that your urine is very light yellow or clear (the darker your pee the more dehydrated you are – Kangen Water Filter Machines are world class), sparkling mineral water through the day with chlorophyll or fresh lemon; enjoy your food; chew well; eat slowly until full; drink a glass of ice water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar ten minutes before your primary meal; limit drinking fluids while eating; most foods and meals should be water-based not oil based; drink green or black tea daily with fresh lemon quarters.

A Peaceful Mind!
Do what brings you joy; avoid negative people / media; do random acts of kindness; each morning spend some time in quiet reflection of gratitude’s and goals, planning your day, or meditating/praying; say grace before meals; read motivational/inspirational/educational books before bed.

Support Yourself!
Take a twenty-minute nap each day; finish your hot showers with 3 to 5 minutes of ice cold water; learn and do Transcendental Meditation or TM; be in bed by 10pm and up by 5am, sleep in total darkness and silence with a sleep mask and ear plugs if needed; get a moderate amount of sun each day; get a massage; see an Osteopath; infrared sauna, hyperbaric chamber; gravity fed colon hydrotherapy; shorten your eating window to as few hours as possible eating very well but within only a few hours by skipping breakfast or dinner, have just one meal a day or skip a day entirely; listen to uplifting music and laugh all day; drink a glass of sparkling mineral water before bed or a small glass of kombucha!


Dead Foods!
Reduce/eliminate excessive alcohol, gluten, sugar and caffeine; all electrically dead food and food-like items in cans, boxes, bags, fried, all GMOs , soy, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, frozen, factory foods, MSGs, additives, sweeteners, labels you can’t easily understand; processed and natural sugars from any sources; soda pop; commercial fruit juices; avoid fructose and sugar. Ask yourself questions such as, “Would my great grandmother recognize my food?” and “Earth to Mouth! Does this food go through the fewest steps possible from earth to mouth?” Always eat your sugars first and avoid food for two to three hours before bed.

Processed Fats!
Reduce/eliminate unnatural fats (canola, trans and vegetable.) Ask, “Will this cleanse me or clog me?”

Factory Animal Flesh!
Reduce/eliminate commercial factory farmed fish, factory farmed red meat (prions, nitrates, fear adrenaline, feces, urine, hormones, antibiotics, estrogenic, environmentally terrible, acidic) and factory farmed chicken and move towards wild or free-range grass fed. Ask, “Where do cows get their protein from?” (Plants.)

Dairy Products!
Reduce/eliminate all forms of dairy (MAP bacteria, mucous, hormones, antibiotics, difficult protein, acidic). Ask, “Where do cows get their calcium from?” (Plants.)

Balance PH!
Reduce/eliminate addictive and acidic poisons of sugar, salt, vinegar, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine (except for organic black coffee, green and black tea), drugs and research any vaccines thoroughly before agreeing to them. When using your cell phone keep it a safe distance from your body, avoid electronics and Wi-Fi as much as possible and get a Himalayan Salt Lamp to place near your Wi-Fi emitter to reduce air borne ions.

Health-Forming Daily Habits

Drink a glass of hot, filtered water with a pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt, fresh squeezed lemon and / or baking soda immediately upon waking; have a cup of matcha green tea, black tea or black coffee. Enjoy prunes, figs, macadamia and brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Ten minutes of bouncing on a rebounder; ten minutes of oral oil pulling/sloshing twice a week using organic coconut oil after flossing your teeth and before brushing them with natural toothpaste dipped in baking soda and charcoal powder; body horsehair brush all limbs and torso towards the heart to move lymph, snack on fresh vegetables or fruit, eat with nutrition in mind and exercise for 10-60 min daily. Get a good night’s sleep with a twenty-minute midday nap or TM, remember to breathe deep, avoid negativity and laugh! Before bed have an occasional chamomile tea or 0.2mg of melatonin. Micro dose cannabis oil.

Duane’s Daily Power Smoothie: blend coconut water or coconut milk, tsp. of collagen, tsp. of aloe vera gel, three raw apricot seeds, one tablespoon organic coconut oil, three tablespoons of kefir, one or two whole raw free run organic eggs, a handful of berries, one banana, two tablespoons of New Zealand grass fed whey powder, full tablespoon of Spirulina, full teaspoon chlorella, half a teaspoon bee pollen, one tablespoon chia seeds, two tablespoons raw unpasteurized honey, dropper of fulvic acid minerals, 30 oxy-e drops, dropper of liquid zeolite, tablespoon of Udos oil, one drop of oregano oil, half a teaspoon of turmeric, 1/8 teaspoon of maca root powder, a pinch of ground black peppercorns and 1 teaspoon of pure cinnamon. Daily supplements: probiotic, liquid vitamin D3, fibre, liver milk thistle, resveratrol, krill oil, digestive enzyme, msm, vitamin K2, CoQ10 ubiquinol, bromelain, kyolic garlic. Male Support Supplements: (FYI—whether you are male or female, you need to be aware of the thousands of untested chemicals we are exposed to from as early as the womb, which are causing what has been nicknamed “Environmental Castration.”) Most men are not low in testosterone. They are low in progesterone and pregnenolone and high in estrogen and insulin due to the man-made estrogen mimickers in our environment as well as the constant consumption of calories and increasing body / belly fat.) Niacin, Zinc, Magnesium, LArginine, L-Citruline, Progesterone, Pregnenolone, DHEA, DIM, Tribulus, Korean Red Ginseng, Gingko Biloba, B Vitamin Complex, Vitamin E, Stinging Nettle, Pycnogenol, Probiotic, Fish Oil, Tongkat Ali D-Aspartic Acid, Boron, Choline, Saw Palmetto, Lycopene and Ashwagandha. Eat celery, button mushrooms and cruciferous vegetables to flush out estrogen.

Intermittent fasting (IF) also known as Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF), which I have coined into the phrase:

Leasting: full hydration with complete calorie restriction.

Beasting: physical exertion and exercising while fasted.

Feasting: compressing your full day’s nutrition into just 4 to 8 hours.

This has been one of the best things I have ever implemented. I swear by it on so many levels, I cannot do it justice here. Like everything else in this book, do your own research and then live it to see how you feel! There seems to be a lot of misinformation regarding healthful eating that goes against what and when our ancestors ate. Ideally, about ½ to 2/3 of your diet should be from healthy fats, clean carbohydrates from vegetables and grains, some fruit, and moderate amounts of varied proteins with little to no processed foods. Studies show time-restricted feeding causes autophagy and mitophagy, benefits your immune system, mitochondria, brain health, and cognitive function, reduces inflammation and free radicals, kills cancer cells, improves your stem cells, normalizes hormones, reduces fat, improves muscle and skin tone, and slows aging! It is NOT a diet, so if you love to eat like I do, this is for you! You also must be careful to NOT reduce your overall nutrition or total calories when doing it. Start off by striving to consume calories within only a 12-hour window, then work on reducing that time frame over a period of weeks or months to only a 6 to 4-hour eating window. Monday to Friday, this is my eating pattern, and the time of day I choose to eat those calories varies. I typically start my feeding window with a scoop of coconut oil and a large handful of nuts and figs, along with my Daily Power Smoothie and some of the supplements as described above. I am off the time-restricted program on weekends and eat whenever I want. It will take some time for your body to adapt from burning sugar to burning fat, so start slow. Ensure you consume a full day of nutrition, supplements, and calories in your feeding window! The shorter the eating time frame (or food celebration as I call it), the better. Outside your eating window, consume only black coffee, water, or clear tea. When you consume even one calorie from any source (just chewing gum or eating a nut), insulin is released, and then a cascade of other undesirable hormonal things start to happen as if you are constantly taking in calories through the day. The mental and physical benefits of IF or TRF are astounding. The best part is that it’s not a diet, and you can literally consume whatever you want within your eating window, and again, the shorter the eating window time, the better. Do your own research on this. Herschel Walker (mid-50s athlete extraordinaire) has been on a program called One Meal A Day (OMAD) since he was in his 20s.

Stomach BONUS: Do you know anyone with either Colitis, IBS, or Crohn’s? Chances are you do, and if you don’t, it’s because the people you know with these issues are very good at hiding it. These conditions, like many others, have reached epidemic levels today but were virtually unheard of when I was younger. Many people with these conditions find they disappear when traveling and eating outside of North America. The presence of pesticides, herbicides, MAP bacteria, and gluten is very high in North American food, and all are known to cause problems with our digestive tract. I have several family members and friends who have struggled with these challenges. One almost died from Crohn’s, only to go into complete remission for years now (knock on wood) using the information below. Again, this is a guide for your independent research and always follow the money when looking for the answers to any broken system! Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, or Yahoo search “MAP bacteria, Cattle Yohn’s disease and Human Crohn’s disease” and “how pesticides kill insects by causing their guts to leak” as well as “gluten and stomach lining.” Move immediately away from ALL cattle products or dairy of any kind, including meat, cheese, yogurt, and milk due to MAP, foods sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, as well as traditional grains with gluten (these are three things our grandparents did not have to deal with). Chicken and fish are okay. Strive for only organic fruits and vegetables that you prepare yourself. Chew your food well and thoroughly, as digestive enzymes start with your saliva. Several tablespoons of coconut oil through the day as it has healthy fats and lauric acid. Make a daily shake with coconut milk, spirulina, chlorella, aloe gel, banana, raw honey, cinnamon, and turmeric. Buy a slow-speed masticating juicer and make carrot and green apple juices. Supplement with Boswellia, golden seal, bromelain, digestive enzymes, double up on probiotics, and drink a small glass of Kombucha. Eat only within an eight-hour window daily to give your stomach a rest. And get plenty of sleep and do relaxation breathing. If your stomach flares up, have a tablespoon of coconut oil, aloe vera juice, and a drop of oregano oil once or twice a day until it clears up, and you may want to do this daily.

Remember, when you feel great, everything is better and easier!